Frequently Asked Questions Before Uploading Your Mind To A Computer

Alex O'Connor
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2020


Illustration by Louis Sobol

As co-founder of MindUploads ‘R Us, it is my pleasure to announce our newest mind upload technology, the ByeByeBrain™. Uploading my mind was the best decision I ever made, and the best decision you’ll ever make. On this FAQ, I’ll answer your questions and dispel your fears and hesitations. :P

Why upload?

Once your mind is uploaded, you can have anything you want or wish for.


Yes. Anything your heart desires. Immortality, wealth, power, control. Anything. :)

What about a boyfriend?

Yes. Even a boyfriend.

Is mind uploading really possible?

Yes. With only a scalpel, a USB cord, and a little bit of luck,* your mind can be transferred to a computer.

*Cerebral acceptance of a foreign object to adapt and mend neurotic impulses.

Does the procedure require a physical scalpel?

Yes. With several, minimally invasive incisions, we are able to turn your hippocampus into a USB port.

Is there a lengthy courting process, or will I just acquire a



Alex O'Connor

Writer. Words in Slackjaw, Points in Case, and McSweeney’s.