German Words For Complex Emotions You Didn’t Know About

Nein, you do not know them at all

Caleb Coy


Image by Brock Wegner

In the German language, there are endless compound words, many of which refer to words for specific emotions, words that don’t exist in other languages.

You have have heard of words like shcadenfreude, weltschmerz, and kummerspeck. But you may not have heard of these others that are very real and totally exist:

The bitterness in your tummy when there is no more cake.

Mild anger at hearing “über” used as a proper noun despite it only being a prefix.

The shame you feel on another’s behalf for feeling joy at the hurt of another person.

That inner confusion of what kind of kielbasa you want as you look at the menu.

The grief of farting in your car with the window rolled up, and you try to roll it down, but it won’t roll down, and you’re stuck in your car with the smell of your own fart.

Having a headache so painful that you…



Caleb Coy

Caleb Coy is a humorist and freelance writer from Virginia. Work in McSweeney's, Slackjaw, Weekly Humorist, elsewhere. Follow @CalebCoyGuard