Getting A Children’s Book About Subprime Mortgage Published Is Harder Than You Think

Bubbly the Housing Bubble and the Great Recession! (still available for publication)

R.D. Zaharako


Photo art by Ryan Zaharako — Background via Maciej Es, bubble via By svtdesign, calculator via Christos Georghiou, dancer via, Sonic via Unsplash, Reagan via Wikicommons.

As a mortgage lender who calculates market valuations of collateralized debt obligations as a function of risk analysis, publishers often assume I lack the imagination to write fun financial-themed kid’s adventures.

But Random House’s snub could be your gain since the following manuscripts are still available for publication!

Bubbly the Housing Bubble and the Great Recession

A fun cautionary tale about the perils of lower lending standards in the housing market: Bubbly the Housing Bubble lives in a giant underwater house. He loves selling mansions to his good friends like Benny Bankrupt and Polly Poledancer. But deep in the Shadow Banking Forest, trouble lurks as Grizzly Bear Stearns and Sonic the Hedge Fund Manager prey on unsuspecting real estate investors. It’s SpongeBob SquarePants meets The Grapes of Wrath!

Adventures in Galatic Trickle Down Economics

On the faraway planet of Neocon 5, swashbuckling space cowboy Ronnie Ray Gun and his monkey, Bonzo, battle the twisted…



R.D. Zaharako

U.S. Marine (95-99)| U of Texas grad | Clio Key Art Award-winning copywriter | Support my writing by becoming a Medium Member!