Help! I Accidentally Manifested My Made-Up Middle School Boyfriend

Please help me rid my house of the mysteries of the universe!

Gracie Beaver-Kairis


Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash and Vinícius Vieira ft from Pexels, edited by the author

Dear Beautiful Dreamers Manifestation Podcast,

Help! Last night, I was a little tipsy and fell asleep listening to the podcast while flipping through my middle school yearbook. When I got up this morning, there was this sixteen-year-old with sandy blonde hair rummaging around in my fridge. I thought he was a burglar, but as soon as he said his name was Logan-Kyle Hawk and then asked if I had any Mountain Dew Code Red, I realized I accidentally manifested the boyfriend I made up in eighth grade. Oops! Any idea how to get him to disappear into the fabric of the universe?


— A Dreamer

Dear Beautiful Dreamers Podcast,

While waiting for your reply, I’ve been asking the Goddess to disintegrate Logan-Kyle into space-time, but it’s not working. He keeps interrupting my Zoom work calls to tell me that I’m beautiful and don’t know it yet. And every single night he wants to go out to the pizza buffet and share a soda with two straws. It’s a lot. Any tips on how to speed up the galaxies reclaiming his flesh?

Dear BD Podcast,



Gracie Beaver-Kairis

Gracie Beaver-Kairis is a humor writer and semi-functioning adult living in the Pacific Northwest.