Member-only story
Help! My Husband Is Jeopardizing Our Marriage By Refusing To Use The Oxford Comma
Dear Jean,
I’m married to a sweet, loving, and beautiful man. He makes me incredibly happy and I cannot bear the thought of life without him. However, he refuses to use the Oxford comma. His contempt towards forming grammatically correct independent clauses is wearing on our relationship.
I know it’s bizarre that I married a man who doesn’t understand the value of separating all the items of a sentence with a comma. But we were young when we met and I thought his omission of the Oxford comma was a youthful indiscretion that he would outgrow. These ten years of marriage have proved otherwise. He still snubs the Oxford comma and it’s become painfully clear that we have different grammatical values. Should I leave him?
He torments me with his daily love notes which he lays on the nightstand before he leaves for work. These notes always contain a sentence with a list of things that he loves about me. The following is an excerpt from a love letter he once wrote: “I love your face, ears and nose.” I was enraged at the sight of this phrase. Are my ears and nose the only parts of my face that he loves? What about my supple lips? When I interrogated him about this I found out that he does love my entire face. Of course, this whole entire calamity would have been…