Help! My Sleep Paralysis Demon Is The Snowman From Michael Keaton’s “Jack Frost”

Is this just a memory of an old Christmas movie or an actual living nightmare?

Renée Millette


Image Copyright: Warner Bros. (Fair Use)

It started as just a regular old bout of sleep paralysis. I was unable to move and my eyes wandered over to the corner of my room, where I would usually see a tall, shadowy figure standing there, staring at me. His name is Jerry; he’s an old friend of mine. I was about to say hello, but then it hit me — Jerry, my kindly sleep paralysis demon, wasn’t there this time. And in his place was something much worse.

Standing in the corner of my bedroom was a figure that looked exactly like the snowman from the 1998 Michael Keaton movie, Jack Frost. This CGI snowman with dark, menacing pieces of coal for eyes popped out and said, in a very cool voice, “What’s up, Charlie Boy?” At that moment, I wanted to scream, “My name is not Charlie!” but nothing came out because, you know, sleep paralysis.

With some smooth blues harmonica and colorful wind, the snowman disappeared but I was still restless. The image of this strange snowman voiced by Michael Keaton was burned permanently in my mind. When morning came, I tried going about my day as normal but the impact of my encounter with this snowman demon was so powerful that when my boss told me…

