Here At Sierra Mist, We Will Continue Assuming No One Knows About Sprite

Matthew Levy
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2020
Flavor scientists review different types of citrus for their final product (Photo courtesy of

Lemon. Lime. Those two, simple citrus flavors have brought the world so much joy. In 1999, we here at Sierra Mist thought to ourselves, “Why not combine the two for the first time EVER?” Amazing that the entire soda industry missed out on this one; it seemed like such an obvious slam dunk. So, we got to work in our lemon and lime labs. Our flavor scientists mixed and matched and mixed some more until we created the perfect soft drink. It was a big moment when our investors took their first sip of our coveted prototype. The board room fell silent and they said, “Isn’t this basically Sprite?”

“Sprite?” we asked. “What’s that?”

We have maintained that stance ever since. “Sprite. What’s that?”

When PepsiCo invested in our beverage, lo these two decades ago, it really felt like a dream to be partnered with one of the most daringly original companies in the world. There really is nothing quite like Pepsi out there and it’s unbelievable they gave us humble dreamers this opportunity to let our freak flag fly and do something that’s never been done before.

You probably just remembered, “Hey! What about Slice? That was a lemon-lime drink in the 90s I used to love!” We’re not familiar.

That is the Sierra Mist promise.

There might be other sodas out there that are distant cousins to Sierra Mist. Perhaps even first cousins, or fraternal twins, but we assure you, any similarities in recipe is simply a case of geniuses creating independently. Our team prides itself on being a group of highly original, free-thinking and free drinking (!) individuals who spent hours in labs creating the world’s foremost refreshing and unique beverage.

We “Sierra Misters” are a beacon of integrity and would gladly deny any wrongdoing or theft of intellectual property. And let’s be real. 7 Up came years before Sprite (which we know nothing of). Sprite probably said, “7 Up? What’s that?”

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

And no one ever gets mad at Mr. Pibb? Yeah, I’ll throw Fanta under the bus. Not to bite the hand that feeds, but Pepsi is a thief, too. We’ll be honest — we don’t even like soda here at Pepsi. We just want money.

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Matthew Levy

you can find me quoting vonnegut and overeating