How To Market To Gen Z Even Though You Are Afraid Of Them

Teens can be terrifying.

Sarah James
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2020


Photo by Ethan Johnson on Unsplash

Gen Z. On one hand, you want them to buy your products, because that’s how you make money, but on the other — AHHH!! They’re just so scary. What if, while you’re trying to market to them, they make fun of your slip-on sneakers? “Hey Grandma, too arthritic to tie a lace anymore?” is just one of the hurtful things these lawless, godless teens can shout at you, with no regard for how you are only 36.

Even though these fashionable, attractive teens (how are they all so fashionable and attractive?!!) are objectively terrifying, they make up a growing share of consumers. And while there’s a chance they will tease you mercilessly for even trying, it behooves your brand to attempt marketing directly to them.

Here are some tips to market to Gen Z even though the thought of walking past a group of them on the street makes you want to breathe into a paper bag:

Be Authentic (While Disguising Yourself As One Of Them)

While millennials love a curated aesthetic, Gen Zers crave authenticity. They are also way less likely to make fun of you if they think you might be a cool new student at their school. So wedge yourself into some Spandex bike shorts, a tie-dye t-shirt, and find a pair…



Sarah James

Sarah is the internationally best-selling author of THE WOMAN WITH TWO SHADOWS and the forthcoming LAST NIGHT AT THE HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN.