Nature is super successful.

How To Success Your Success Into Succeeding Successfully

Morgan Rock Loehr
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2016


Success! SUCCESS!!! SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you want some? Of course you do. You’re not a Bolshevik. You love success. You want it bad. So bad.

Success is all around us. It’s in the birds, the trees, the air and the water. You know how I know? Because God made those things and God is the ultimate success story! He only worked 7 days and he’s been on vacation ever since! That’s SuCcEsS!!!!!!!

On the eighth day, God said, “I just bought a speed boat and retired to Boca Raton with all my success”

People are always asking me questions about success. How much does success cost? How do you spell success? If success were a women, could you give it an orgasm? And, if you did, is that called “sucsex”? Yes. Yes to all of those successful questions. I sucsexed my whole life and now look at me, helping everyone else get their sucsex on.

Despite what you think, there’s no secret to success. I know because I know the secret to success. Always keep reading about success. Then, you will have success and be able to teach others how to get successfulnesses by writing successful articles on jacking into success.

Insert quote from Abraham Lincoln for pragmatic success, Albert Einstein for philosophical success, Vince Lombardi for sports success, Dale Carnegie for money success, or Mark Twain to show people you have a sense of humor about success.

Unfortunately, writing about success is hard. The problem being that there’s only one word to describe success — success. Every day I have to use my brain to write many words for only one word. It is hard. SUCCESS! Some days I rearrange the letters to “cecussss”. That’s because I’m creative. Successful people are creative people. Painters are creative. Pablo Picasso was a painter. Pablo Picasso was successful. Become a painter.

Let me tell you one other successful thing right now. If you’re looking in the dictionary for the word success, STOP. Success can’t be defined. In fact, success can’t even be spelled. It can only be achieved.

Success can’t even be spelled. It can only be achieved©

Now, this all might sound like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but it’s not. Trust me. Success. Money. Fame. Popularity. Sex. Votes. Likes. Hearts. Immortality. Still not convinced? Here’s a picture of a guy named Guy with a pile of money. Success, baby.

This guy eats success for breakfast

Are you still not successful? Hmm… that’s strange. OH WAIT! No it’s not. That’s because you haven’t signed up for my newsletter or attended my digital success seminar or donated to my Kickstarter to bring success to impoverished nations. After Africa reads my success manifesto, they will have so much successfulness and so can you.

Remember, you can’t put a price on success. Don’t forget to buy my success book for $19.95.

Start your success by improving my success and like this article. #SUCCESS #SUCCESSFULLNESS #SUCCESSFUL #SUCCESSFULLFULLFULL #SUCSEX

