How to Woo According to Bonnie Raitt’s Music Video ‘Thing Called Love’

Dennis Quaid breaks it down like it’s 1989

Amy Morrison


“Bonnie_altered” by Boz Bros is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Step #1- Are you ready for it? Make THE choice. Choose to turn off your computer. Choose to go to a bar. Choose to wear tight pants. If you’re feeling extra bold choose to go sleeveless.

This image (and images below): Capitol Records. Licensed under Fair Use

OK Friends, Now keep your eyes on that blonde fella… yeah in the middle. Not the dude in the red shirt.

Step #2: He turns around and… Ah! it’s Dennis Quaid. OK act cool. As cool as Quaid. Paint a bemused expression on your face that says “Sure, I’m awake… but I don’t care that I’m awake.”

Step #3 Insert toothpick in mouth. But, be careful that the toothpick doesn’t outshine your single hoop earring. Good.

