I Am A Top-Earning Digital Bromad, And Here Are The Five Best Books I Read This Year

Such as Hamlet, by this really obscure writer William Shakespeare

Audrey Dundee Hannah


Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Not to brag but I am a very successful young digital nomad — a bromad, if you will — in the fintech-and-optimized-self space who works four hours a week coaching coaches on how to coach and somehow also finds time to read prolifically, meaning that I read five whole books this year, including their first parts and also the middles!

The ends I scanned because I took an online course in which I learned the valuable skill of speed reading. While I completed the self-paced course kind of slowly — started in 2018? — now I can figure out key words fast! Which is helpful because I’m always publishing brief quips on my expertise in writing, which I gained by writing these brief quips.

With no further ado — GET IT, ABOUT NOTHING! wink wink literati — let’s get into my list of the five best books you have never heard of, which totally coincidentally happens to be the exact same five that I read this year!

Yes, I am a paragon of both literature and efficiency.

The Bible

Did you know that Christianity actually comes from a book? If you did — NERD. I sure didn’t, especially…



Audrey Dundee Hannah

Actor (“Bones,” “9–1–1”), satirist (Slackjaw, Points in Case, Flexx), entrepreneur (of many stripes), community organizer (parrots, googly eyed objects).