I Am The Mascot And You Shall Know My School Spirit

Adam Dietz
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by Daniel Lloyd Blunk-Fernández on Unsplash

It’s a weeknight in mid-February, and the boys junior varsity basketball team is down by 42 in the 3rd quarter.

The scoreboard serves as a tableau for another lackluster performance in an altogether middling season. The sound of scuffing sneakers and the scent of adolescent perspiration is the air. What little crowd there was has begun to dissipate as the starters give way to the reserve players. The scene is grim and there exists one singular thought on the mind of the fans, players, coaches, and referees: Let’s get this over with. But there’s something else too, isn’t there? Or should I say someone else. Yes, I believe I see a certain someone dressed in a certain low-rent duck costume, and he’s parading his webbed little feet up and down the sideline — cheering, dancing, and wildly celebrating even the most insignificant of in-game accomplishments.

That someone is me: Webby the Duck, mascot of the North Clayton Mallards.

When you need me most is when I’ll be there. That’s why despite these children’s own parent’s deciding they’d rather go home and watch a CBS procedural from the comfort of their own homes, Webby the Duck is here trying to rally the troops and boost morale. I’m not a hero, I’m a mascot. But if I was a hero, and maybe sometimes I am described that way, my superpower would be my school…



Adam Dietz

Comedy writer with work in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case, etc. Editor of the Yapjaw newsletter.