I Am The One Who Only Works Biceps

Alex Baia
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2020


Illustration by Emily Clouse

I survey the gym equipment like a sculptor with his chisels before a block of granite…

Cardio machines: worthless.

Leg press: irrelevant.

Foam roller: pathetic.

Olympic lifting platform: intriguing… BUT NO!

My path is clear. I am here to do Biceps.

There they are, the dumbbells! I sprint for them.

It is time to curl, baby.

I do the concentration curls.


I do seated inclined dumbbell curls AND lying declined dumbbell curls.

Biceps. Biceps.

I do my curls spider-style, the Zottman, and kneeling single-arm.

Biceps! Biceps!! Biceps!!!

I do a single pull-up but I feel some engagement in my lats, so I stop.


I repeat it all, twice as slow, twice the pain! 10 reps-15–20-REPS-REPS-REPS!

YES, the burn! My Biceps blow up with joy, like clown balloons.

In my school days, my nickname was “beanpole.” I was built like a twig. “Go lift a dumbbell and eat a steak, pencil arms!” my gym coach yelled. “You are a bald divorced man, what do you know!” I…



Alex Baia

Humor writer, book junkie, stargazer, optimist. Resident philosophy major. Get my humor newsletter: https://alexbaia.com/humor