I can’t understand my humans.

An Op-Ed from A Cat

Donnell King
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2018


Sometimes I just sit and watch them.

I just can’t imagine what they’re thinking. They’ll sit for hours at a time staring at a flat glowing sort of stone and then suddenly run around and out the front door making sounds like, “I’m late! I’m late!”

How do they manage to stay awake so many hours of the day? Maybe they sleep when they leave me here. Yeah, that must be it. I mean, surely they need 18 hours of sleep a day like any normal cat would.

I have grown attached to them, but I’ve noticed that the Red Dot never appears except when one of them is around. I can only conclude the Dot follows them, and I fear for their safety when they are not here where I can protect them. One day, I shall capture it, and then we all will be safe.

Obviously, I don’t care that much about keeping them safe, except they represent a source of food—one way or the other. I think if I were to take one down, it could probably feed me for several days. I often practice my technique, stealthing up to…



Donnell King

Communication nerd. Christ follower. I write about speaking, writing, using Zoom effectively for impact. Check out cool links at