I Cured My Insomnia By Dating More Exhausting Men

Sarah James
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2020


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I used to suffer from horrible insomnia. Night after night, I’d find myself staring at the ceiling as the hours ticked by, unable to find peace. I tried everything from counting sheep to Ambien and found no relief. Then one night, in an exhaustion-induced fugue state, I downloaded Tinder.

It would be the solution to all my problems. Before I had dated men I knew socially or met through mutual friends — mature, responsible guys with “jobs” and “hobbies” and “therapists.” But the men I found on Tinder were immature, emotionally stunted, defensive, and still convinced they could do better than me! Just one date with any one of them was enough to make me curl up under a comforter and fall into an easy, dreamless sleep within minutes.

If you too suffer from insomnia, I highly recommend an evening with any of the following:

The Cryptic Texter

Sleep therapists recommend exercise during the day to wear out your body by nighttime, but in my experience nothing tires out your brain like a text message from Jaxon. Instead of straight forwardly communicating a desire, Jaxon would coat his messages in so much irony…



Sarah James

Sarah is the internationally best-selling author of THE WOMAN WITH TWO SHADOWS and the forthcoming LAST NIGHT AT THE HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN. thesarahjames.com