I Joined The Cult From Midsommar And It’s Not Going That Well

Emily Menez
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2020


Midsommar — A24, Fair Use

About a year ago on somewhat of a lark, I decided it’d be fun to switch things up! I had recently failed the Whole30 (#NoRegrets) and was really kicking myself for not making more “me time.” My cool friend Astrid invited me out to this Swedish hippie retreat filled with flowers and dancing. What can I say? She was vague about the details! But Astrid’s always been super mysterious and sometimes says funny things like, “You trust everyone,” “I’ve never seen you lock the doors,” or “You don’t notice details.” LOL.

Now, even with Astrid’s unclear description of the week’s itinerary, I was raring for some fun! She said the festival only occurred every ninety years. So I knew it was going to be EPIC. If this thing was anything like Coachella or Burning Man, it was guaranteed to be my kind of scene.

When I arrived, I barely even noticed the jet lag. Everything was as promised, only better! The beautiful green grass was perfectly contrasted with all the wonderful white linen garments. Everyone was smiling, and those Swedish boys do not disappoint in their looks or hospitality. Immediately, we were offered mushrooms!

That evening, things kind of took a serious turn. The lady who was running the festival said there’d be many ceremonies to come. Jokingly, I shouted, “BORING!” But for some reason, no…



Emily Menez

I've written for The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, CBS, and more. I'm an editor @Slackjaw. Send in your funny pieces!