I Listen To All Kinds Of Music!

Alex Baia
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2024


Photo by Jamakassi on Unsplash

I’m glad we could finally meet each other! Dating apps are so much sometimes, but it feels like we have a lot in common, actually, like loving music.

Wait, you do love music, right? Phew. Just making sure! Ha ha. Yeah, it always bothers me when I meet someone who claims they love music but they can’t even remember what’s on their newest playlist. It’s like music to them is little more than the background noise to their gym sessions or their weekend drinking binges. So annoying.

Not me though. I actually listen to all kinds of music. Seriously. I’m not one of those people who says “all kinds of music” but really means, “I listen to hip hop and 80s pop and some indie stuff, so that’s everything.” People who throw around the phrase “all music” that casually and non-literally are ruining the music industry, and I hate them.

From neo soul to post-rock to free jazz to dark wave to Mongolian folk metal, I listen to it all. Hashtag: no exceptions!

Lately, I’m getting way into French neo-psychedelic blackgaze. I also love punk, hardcore, grind core, horror core, kawaii core, math core, calculus core, and crab core. I’ve never met a core that hasn’t moved me to the edge of sonic ecstasy.

Yeah, that’s cool you’re going on a cruise next week, but don’t change the subject. But speaking of cruises and…



Alex Baia

Humor writer, book junkie, stargazer, optimist. Resident philosophy major. Get my humor newsletter: https://alexbaia.com/humor