I Stuck My Pinky Out Too Far While Drinking Tea And Now It’s In Space

Learn from my mistake and don’t let your little finger become an astronaut.

Calder Holbrook


Photo by Artsy Vibes on Unsplash

Hoo boy, am I having a time of it. Well, why bury the lead? I was at a tea party, as you do, sampling a flight of teas, which is basically a bunch of very small teacups on a long wooden board. It’s great because you get to sample a wide variety of teas, but it’s also hard because the teacups are smaller than the tea bags, so that’s a whole lot of shit to figure out.

Long story short — I’m trying to be classy. And I don’t think I have to defend myself for that. I’m not an island. I’m a person. A person who has manners. And those manners dictate that you must extend the pinky finger of the hand holding the teacup. So that is what I did. I just plain extended that pinky.

And, okay, with each little flight cup, maybe I extended it a little further. By the second cup, my pinky banged against the ceiling fan. I apologized, bandaged the wound, and it appeared the matter was settled — at least, until the next cup, when my pinky smashed through the ceiling. Luckily that time the proprietor wasn’t looking.

I really wanted to stop extending my pinky at that point, because I was worried about it getting serious, but I was scared of the…



Calder Holbrook

Calder Holbrook is an LA comedy writer, and an actor most recently seen in Peacock's A.P. Bio.