I Think The Red Line Crossing Out The Swastika On Your Shirt Could Be A Tad Thicker

It looks like it’s part of it rather than one symbol obscuring another.

Robert Criss


Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

Hey, nice anti-Nazi shirt. That’s really something. Yeah. Thing is though, the red line crossing the swastika out is kind’ve hard to make out from far away. Almost looked like a pro-Nazi shirt until I got up close to it. But now I can see it, yep. Not pro, definitely anti. I just wonder if other people might make that mistake as we prepare to ride this tandem bicycle through the Israeli countryside.

I know you’re eager to go but I can’t stress enough how that symbol — you know the bold, angular one — is way way WAY more prominent than the thin red line going through it. Did you know red was actually one of the nazi colors? Yeah so it looks like it’s part of it rather than one symbol obscuring another. That’s like if I wore a Confederate flag t-shirt but it was crossed out by a blue x with white stars on it.

If I didn’t already know you I probably wouldn’t know what side you’re on and I’d assume the same for the guy you’re riding the bike with even though I’m just wearing a plain green shirt. I’d think: tandem bike, tandem beliefs.

I’ve got a Sharpie so maybe with a few edits I could make it look like an…



Robert Criss

humor writer feat. in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Weekly Humorist, 251, Little Old Lady Comedy, Robot Butt, Flexx Mag. robertcriss.net