I Thought I Would Give You A Call While Doing Every Obnoxiously Interruptive Thing I Can
Hello? Hello? Are you there? Hold on. Let me put you on speaker. Yeah, sorry, I’m getting in the car and the door ajar signal is going off. Anyway, how are you? I finally had some downtime and wanted to check in and see how you were doing with the car window down as I roll through Main Street during the heavy construction for that new subway station.
Uh huh? Uh huh? That’s great! Well I’m glad that you and Molly are finally — hold on, that’s Snickers you hear barking in the back seat. I’m taking her to the vet. She’s got these intestinal worms that have been bothering her. Snickers! Pipe down! I’m on the phone! She is such a little pest sometimes. Oh, it’s no problem. It’s just the coal train up ahead. So what about Peter? What’s with him?
Aww, poor Peter. I can just imagine how stressful that is for him. That noise? Oh, it’s just a bag of Bugles corn chips I’m munching on with the phone next to my mouth. Go on.
Mmhmm? Mmhmm? Quit that! Oh, not you. That was — I’m talking to Sasha. She’s trying to scream at the passing birds again. Sasha, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna take your toys away again. Yes, all of them. She’s such a hassle. Anyway, what was that about Ron passing away?