If Calls from Your Doctor Were Like Calls from Your Alma Mater

We know you have such fond memories of our hospital

Laura Berlinsky-Schine


Woman in lab coat holding a phone with both hands
National Cancer Institute/Unsplash

Doctor: Hi, I’m calling for Suzanne Castro. This is Dr. Rubenstein.

Patient: Hi, Dr. Rubenstein.

Doctor: I have the results of your STD panel. But first, I wanted to ask if you have a second to support John T. Hughes Hospital with a generous monetary contribution.

Patient: Wait, can you just give me my results?

Doctor: I’m very eager to share your results. But first, I’m thrilled to share some exciting initiatives we have in the pipeline. This summer, Hughes Hospital will be installing a new lawn. We know you’ve had some fantastic memories of spending time on that lawn as a patient, crossing it on your way to your appointments. And then back again when you were heading home. You might even call it a second home, actually. And now, it’s going to be even greener.

Patient: Can you just tell me if I have VD? I’ve never noticed the lawn.

Doctor: I can’t wait to get to that. Would you like to make a generous contribution in the amount of $1,000?

Patient: Um, no. That’s my monthly insurance premium.



Laura Berlinsky-Schine

Writer of words. Mocker of people and things. Dog mom to Hercules. The Rumpus, Points in Case, Illumination, Slackjaw, Belladonna, etc.