If You Love Me, You’ll Wear This Headlamp

It’s not weird, because I’ll be wearing one too.

James Klein


Licensed from Shutterstock Images

It’s not a big deal. I’d like you to wear this powerful headlamp when we walk around the city at night. You say no one wears headlamps in our well-lit neighborhood, but that’s what makes it so special. We’ll be sharing a unique symbol of our love, which is as blisteringly bright as the thousand-lumen halogen bulbs strapped to our foreheads.

The best partnerships are based on compromise. Isn’t that what relationship counselors say? I wouldn’t know, because I have refused your requests to see one, but if they don’t, they should, because it’s true.

I don’t ask for much — only that we eat a strict ketogenic diet, wear hospital booties in the apartment, and spritz the place every hour with “Patchouli Parade” aromatherapy spray. And now this, a simple request to don a headlamp whenever we go outside at night.

You ask things of me, too. You didn’t like it when I practiced my craft — miming — at the dinner we had with your family last week. You said it frightened your grandmother when I put her inside an invisible box. You asked me not to do it again, and I agreed. See? Give and take. I’m a flexible person who’s willing to restrain my passion for miming. I’m just not flexible about this.



James Klein

My dog thinks I’m cool. Humor in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case, Greener Pastures, and others. All of it at jameskleinhumor.com.