I’m 50 And It’s Not Funny

Pam Gaslow
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2020


Image: Pam Gaslow (at 47)

I recently turned 50. I didn’t want to turn 50. I tried hard not to. It happened anyway.

50 is both a milestone and a mindfuck, and not to brag, but I made it in one piece. I also made it without any unwanted pregnancies and no arrests. I didn’t marry any idiots, get any embarrassing tattoos when I was drunk, or buy a lion on a whim. By anyone’s standards, I’m a modern-day success story.

No matter how young you feel or how good you look, 50 is a tough pill to swallow. You can’t help but reflect back on what you’ve accomplished, or how you’ve squandered the last half a century. I know life isn’t necessarily a numbers game, but nonetheless, here are some of the numbers.

I was born in 1970.

In 1973 I fell out of my highchair.

I lost my virginity on Super Bowl Sunday, 1987.

I’ve been to 30 countries and two rehabs.

I’ve had seven long term relationships, 11 one-night stands, a 35-year lover, and one broken engagement.

I haven’t had a cigarette in 17 years, and a drink in 24 years.

At 26 I was dating a 48-year-old, at 50 I’m sleeping with a 36-year-old. Happy birthday to me.

In the United States, 3,731,386 people will turn 50 this year. This has no relevance whatsoever, but it…



Pam Gaslow

Comedian and top writer in humor. Miami based. IG: @pamgaslow, pam@pamgaslow.com. Subscribe to my mailing list: https://upscri.be/fpacdo