I’m Here For You, So Long As I Don’t Have To Do Anything

I know it sounds like I’m making excuses, but that’s only because I always have an excuse.

Terry Heyman


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Hey, I’m so sorry to hear that your mom is sick. Let me know if there’s anything I can do. No ask is too big.

Drive you to see your mom in the hospital? You got it. Though first I should check with my therapist. Driving to unfamiliar places makes me anxious and I don’t trust GPS. One time I wanted to go to Crate & Barrel and instead my GPS took me to Cracker Barrel. Boy, that was a mess. I had to listen to screaming kids for two hours. I finally escaped with a wagon wheel and a migraine.

Absolutely I can walk your dog while someone else drives you to your mom. What if I swing by around 8:37 p.m.? Can Colby hold it until then? I’m doing strict keto right now and meal prep takes a while. Yeah, it’s probably better if you find someone else.

I’d love to pick your sister up at the airport. Oh, wait, Fiddler On The Roof Live! is on that night and I don’t want to miss it. Tom Hanks is playing Tevye. Can Debbie change her flight? Any other time, I’m there.

I know it sounds like I’m making excuses, but that’s only because I always have an excuse.



Terry Heyman

Writer. Words in McSweeneys, TNYShouts, Slackjaw & others. Can be moody, but generally a nice person. Find her at terryheyman.com