I’m Saving Toward Financial Independence And All It Took Was Sacrificing All Joy And Minor Luxuries From My Life

Dave Powers
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2019


Person inserting coin into piggy bank
Photo by Sabine Peters on Unsplash

More often than ever before, people are making the choice to take their time into their own hands, refusing to let a job dictate their waking hours all the way up until the typical age of retirement. The path to unburdening yourself from your career isn’t easy, but trust me that the end result is worthwhile. All that it takes is simply committing to a standard of living that removes all minor occurrences of joy, happiness, and luxury from your life over the course of the next couple of decades (give or take).

First, I’d like to congratulate you on considering the path to FIRE, as it’s certainly not for everyone. The term “FIRE” stands for “financial independence, retire early.” It was chosen to make our modest lifestyle sound exciting and dangerous, as opposed to the conservative and dorky reality.

You could say that my journey to financial independence started early. I had a paper route as a child and later mowed lawns, which took up the majority of my free time. I had a dozen lawn clients, three dozen papers to deliver daily, and due to my absolute refusal to spend money recreationally, zero dozen friends.

In my college years, I majored in engineering at an in-state university. To cut down on living…



Dave Powers

Writer of humor and code. Has multiple plaques (the ornamental kind). https://davepowers.me