I’m The Internal Revenue Service, And Just Like the Egyptian Sphinx, My Talent Is Profound Riddles of Doom

I offer you nearly unsolvable conundrums such as this year’s coronavirus tax relief game plan.

Audrey Dundee Hannah


Photo by Elvis Ray on Unsplash

While normally Americans must file their taxes by April 15th, this year the deadline is May 17th. The IRS hopes to “ease the burden on filers dealing with the economic upheaval caused by the coronavirus, which has put millions out of work or caused their hours to be cut,” writes Alan Rappaport in the New York Times.

Greetings, exhausted seeker! You have trekked through the financial desert of 2020 to where I, the Internal Revenue Service, reside on Constitution Avenue. You may get off your dusty camel, but please keep your mask on. Are you so excited to be talking to me, the super cool government organization that has extended your filing deadline and is also your favorite magical puzzler!?

Riddle me this: How much money can I expect you to bestow upon me given an additional thirty-two days to file your 1040? Sure, I understand the hardships you may have been through this past year, including getting very sick, taking care of family members, handling unemployment, working from home, and/or acting as an elementary school teacher for your kids while fighting…



Audrey Dundee Hannah

Actor (“Bones,” “9–1–1”), satirist (Slackjaw, Points in Case, Flexx), entrepreneur (of many stripes), community organizer (parrots, googly eyed objects).