I’m Your Dad And I’m Going To Give You Some Advice While I Destroy You In This Game Of Horseshoes

Adam Dietz
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2023


Photo by Mikael Seegen on Unsplash

Son, there’s no better time in a young man’s life than the age you’re at now. The world truly is your oyster. There’s nothing you can’t accomplish should you put your mind to it. I’m both envious of and excited for you. With that said, I am your father, so I feel it is both my duty and responsibility to give you some advice as you embark on this journey that is life. But because we’re men, we have to couch this conversation in some kind of passive competition. Horseshoes it is! First one to 21 wins. Your throw!

When it comes to a career — yeah, you want to try to hit the stake or get the horseshoe as close to it as you can. For your career — what I just did, that’s called a ringer. With a ringer, the horseshoe should be around the stake in such a way that a hypothetical ruler could be used to connect both points of the horseshoe without the stake getting in the way. I’m sure you already know all of this though. So yes, when it comes to a career, you want to choose something that makes you happy as opposed to something that makes you money. I throw one then you throw one. Ope, there’s another ringer for me. Ideally, you find yourself a job that gives you both those things. You’re going to be working for the rest of your life, so it’s important to find something you enjoy. 6–0, my…



Adam Dietz

Comedy writer with work in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case, etc. Editor of the Yapjaw newsletter.