Innocuous-Sounding Date Questions that Are Actually Traps

Guys, beware: These questions are designed to make you reveal your ugly truths.

Alex Connolly
2 min readMar 22, 2022


Photo by Jacob Lund on Shutterstock

Why did your last relationship end?

Are you close with your mom?

What’s your most controversial opinion? (And don’t say pineapple on pizza!)

Are you a big Vegas guy?

What’s something about yourself that you don’t usually share?

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

I like your mustache. Is it real?

I feel like I know you from somewhere. This is random, but did you happen to be in Vegas on September 21?

What’s something you’re dispassionate about?

Are you looking to settle down, or are you one of these “Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner” types?

Who are your best friends? Like, your “crew,” as it were.

How’s your Elvis impression?

Do you have any siblings and are any of them black market Elvis memorabilia dealers?

I’m such a news junkie. Did you hear about those robbers that ripped off the Elvis Presley Museum in Vegas by impersonating Elvis impersonators?

About your last relationship — did it end before or after September 21?

What’s your most embarrassing nickname/alias?

Seriously, is that mustache real? Let me just give it a yank.

You said you’re close with your mom — are you “bury a million dollars in her backyard” close?

I hate how addicted to our phones we are. How about we both unlock ours and I’ll put them in my purse?

So, but, where were you on September 21?

If you could go anywhere in the world, what would your email username and password be?

How old were you the first time you stole twelve original Elvis jumpsuits with a combined value of approximately $1.2 million?

This bar is getting kind of crowded. There’s a police station near my house that I hear is fun. Feel like checking it out?

Bondage can be cool… Want to try on these handcuffs?

So, by the way, you have the right to remain silent and whatnot, but communication is so important, don’t you think?

Oh, and you’re not one of these guys that always wants to talk to his lawyer, are you?

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