It’s Board Game Night! You Can’t Escape the Fun!

We’ve got an evening of excruciating excitement lined up!

Gracie Beaver-Kairis


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Welcome to Game Night! Pull up a chair, we’ve got quite the evening planned. Bathroom is down the hall. You might want to use it before we kick things off.

We’re gonna jump right in with Spell Attack, a word game with all the heart-pounding action of an eighth grade Language Arts pop quiz. Make as many words as fast as you can with this pile of letter tiles. Nobody is going to judge you for the limited scope of your vocabulary, I promise. Ready? Go!

I’m done already, and I’ve scored 2700 points for “coaxial,” “typhoon,” and “acquiescence.” How’d you do? Ah, well, unfortunately “a lot” is actually two words, so that doesn’t count, but you do get a point for “cat.” Unfortunately, you also lost 3600 points for having so many unused tiles. Time for something else!

Who doesn’t love trivia? Let’s play Things Nobody Would Know, which everyone at this party is great at. How Heather here is so knowledgeable about turn-of-the-century Norwegian architecture is still a mystery, but you’re lucky to be on her team. She’s a bit competitive and hates to lose, but I’m sure you’ll do great.

Nice job, team! We got enough points to earn the NIELS BOHR OBSCURE FACTOID AWARD! So proud of…



Gracie Beaver-Kairis

Gracie Beaver-Kairis is a humor writer and semi-functioning adult living in the Pacific Northwest.