It’s Company Karaoke Night And I’m Ready To Perform “Slaughter Of The Soul”

We will reap as we have sown, reap as we have sown

Rowdy Geirsson
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2023


Image mash-up by Rowdy Geirsson based on imagery by Hinnerk Rümenapf and Sven Mandel

Look at Jane up there singing along to Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’. She’s doing pretty good. Definitely a bit off-key, but pretty good nonetheless. And everyone is really cheering her on. Even our stiff supervisor over there is clapping. I’d be a bit worried to follow her if I weren’t going to be performing At the Gates’ classic 90’s hit, Slaughter of the Soul.

I’m totally going to knock everyone’s socks off with its evocative opening lines:


Never again
On your force-fed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Feed off my life”

HR was very clear when they made us all sign up for this team-building event that whoever selected the song that “best captures the inherent challenges and unique rewards of collaborative team work” would win a free drink ticket. It’s kind of ironic that a night supposedly about team-building is focused on an activity of solo performances, but that’s HR for you.

Just business as usual, I guess, as Slaughter of the Soul’s insightful refrain explains:

“Always the same
My tired eyes have seen enough
Of all your lies”



Rowdy Geirsson

Promoting Leif Eriksson awareness and failing. Atrocities beyond the Medium Bubble at Metal Sucks, McSweeney’s & Points in Case.