Job Interview Tips If The Job Is Killin’ Bats

Career-minded advice for a bat killin’ professional

Devin Wallace


Photo Credit: Sebastian Herrmann via Unsplash

Landing a job interview is tough enough, and then there is the added stress of an in-person interview. The questions are often too vague or too arbitrary. You never know what the right answer is. Luckily we have some time-tested tips for acing a job interview if the job you’re applying to is all about killin’ some bats.

Remember, the interview begins right when you walk in the door. Give the Hiring Manager a firm handshake to demonstrate your meaty hands are well-equipped to wield all sorts of bat-killing machinery. Even if you’re nervous, make sure to smile. Bat killin’ often involves emotional subterfuge and the ability to mask your inner emotions is a valuable skill.

You’ll most likely be asked about your greatest skills and weaknesses. It’s imperative to make sure these skills correlate to smashin’ bat skulls in vast yet efficient numbers. Equally imperative are your weaknesses being in no way related to wipin’ out whole bat generations before lunch. Tell them you’re not so great at customer service. This is not a skill you need for bat killin’.

Never be passive in the interview. Offer information about yourself as the opportunity presents itself. If you have a chance to mention a relevant college…



Devin Wallace

Humor Writer and Cat Dad. Featured in McSweeneys, Slackjaw, The Broadway Beat, and on the bathroom stalls of Brooklyn’s worst bars. @thedevinwallace