Kids Fashion Camp Rules & Guidelines

Evan Eggers
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2020


Hello and welcome to Hollywood’s own Walk the Talk, high-end fashion camp for kids! We’re very excited to have all our little fashionistas, fashionistos, and fashionistheys! We plan on having a great summer together so below are rules and guidelines our campers must adhere to at all times.

Age Requirements: Campers must be 6–10 years old to attend Walk the Talk. Five years and under is a little too young for the strenuous schedule of activities and classes, while older than 10 but not already a successful fashion designer means your career is already over. Re-examine your life.

Buddy System: Every camper is assigned a clique for accountability as well as personal feelings of community. Clique leaders will be assigned on the first day of camp, based entirely on looks.

Listen to Your Counselors: Counselors consist of older women, each wearing $2,000 Marc Jacobs pantsuits, and ridiculously large, thick black plastic-framed glasses. They will do everything in their power to break your spirit, but secretly love you because you remind them of themselves at your age.

Always Play Nice: Never call another campers work “a throwback that should be thrown back” and then high five your assigned clique. All eye rolls must be inaudible.



Evan Eggers

Writer/Draw-er/Perfomer currently living in Atlanta. Comedy: SF Sketchfest, Out of Bounds Fest, Groundlings, Second City. |