Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Weed

What are your needs to stay sane during Christmastime?

Rochelle E. Fisher


Image by the author via iStock

Now that weed is legal in a lot of places, you have needs to get through the holidays with family:

  1. Physiological Needs: When Uncle Jerry shows up in a “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt and rambles on about the money he spent on gas to get across town just to join you for a roast that “doesn’t taste like it used to back in the day…” You need one pot brownie, stored in your pocket, eaten in between discussions of the money the government is wasting on infrastructure.
  2. Safety Needs: The three-foot-tall holiday candles you told your mom not to light tip over when little cousin Willie throws a football across the room. After screaming fire and dousing the flames in spiked eggnog — which causes an even bigger spark from the alcohol content — you need a breather. Not that anyone will notice you’re gone — they hardly noticed you saving the house. Escape to the far corner of the backyard with a joint that you safely light away from the foliage.
  3. Social Needs: Your holiday plans fell through and you’re stuck watching the game alone by yourself as you sip a beer and redo your Tinder profile for the fifteenth time. Resist the urge to Zoom with your brother who will always turn the conversation to how happily married he is. Instead, whip out your vape and…



Rochelle E. Fisher

Top writer in Satire & Parenting, Rochelle's words can be found in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, The Belladonna, Points in Case, Weekly Humorist, Frazzled, and others.