Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Miniature Father Found In Man’s Head

David Farr


In most cases, finding out that you don’t have a brain tumor is excellent news and something to be celebrated.

Just a few days ago, I was lucky enough to find out just that: I’m completely healthy and tumor-free. My relief, though, was short-lived — overtaken by confusion after the doctors informed me of a bizarre complication during surgery.

See, it seems they made a crucial error: After my MRI last month, an unusually shaped mass was spotted in the center of my brain, which they labeled a benign tumor, at the time.

Except it turns out there never really was a tumor. The mass that showed up in my scan ended up being something far more strange and unforeseen.

While inspecting the inner workings of my cerebellum, the surgeons stumbled on what can only be described as a living, breathing human being — specifically, the shrunken down version of my very own father.

Once the doctors extracted him from my brain, a team of scientists immediately began work on getting Dad back to normal size.

Everyone involved in the situation seemed to have trouble wrapping their heads around what had happened. They just couldn’t understand why the hell Dad was hanging around inside my head. Of course, it wasn’t something I was expecting either, although I can’t say I was quite…

