More Insane Value For Your Inbox

This is absolutely not a scam.

Chris Armstrong
4 min readJul 8, 2020


Original Photo by Nirmal Rajendharkumar on Unsplash

Hey, guys! It’s me, Raj, the identikit online hustler who’s been carpet-bombing you with insane value since 2015.

Wait, you have no idea who I am?

That’s kind of surprising, given I’ve sent you 524 editions of the HustleZone Report since you foolishly surrendered your primary email address in exchange for a copy of my 12 page eBook.

I really hope you aren’t just deleting them en masse every 3 months after repeatedly failing to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

After all, I only care about providing you with incredible value (and also getting your credit card number).

Anyhow, I just wanted to check in for the third time this week and let you know about the exciting things that have been happening here in the HustleZone Den:

  • One of our original HustleZone Income Academy students Jason recently posted his income report for May, and his results are impressive: Jason made $13,847!
  • Jason is proof that the HustleZone system still works in 2020. Okay, sure, Jason may have capitalised on this unscrupulous money making scheme back in 2015, when it was a gaping loophole of an opportunity that any moron could fall into backwards and have success. And yeah, the market has been fully saturated for 3 years. But don’t let any of this stop you from taking action! Worrying about details will get you nowhere. Avoid logic and reason, and TAKE ACTION!


ACTION > Making sensible decisions based on proper market analysis and financial resources.

Looks like Jason forgot to include his profit margin again.
  • Jason isn’t our only success story. Take Mark B. from Alabama, for example. Mark had never previously made a dollar online, but after signing up to the HustleZone Income Academy he hit the $3,000 mark on only his third month! Wow!

Mark B:

“The HustleZone method really works! You just have to follow the course and take action. Also you need ten grand starting capital. Oh, and thanks to my brother Jason who helped me along the way!”

  • Need some more inspiration in your life? HustleZone spiritual leader Gary Vaynerchuk is obnoxiously yelling platitudes at his Instagram stories all day. We love this guy — check him out!
  • Some great news: We’re now on BabbleTree! This is an awesome new social media platform for entrepreneurs to increase their exposure. We’ll be cross-posting the exact same low effort content from all other 27 other platforms that we’re on. So sign up and give us a follow!
  • This month in the HustleZone Book Club we’re reading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Want to get involved? Next Friday we’ll be discussing the book and asking what ancient Chinese warfare can teach us about writing scammy sales copy.
  • A warm welcome to our newest HustleZone Income Academy members: Paula P., Ryan, and Abdul.
  • Goodbye to the 37 members who instantly regretted everything and asked for a refund.

And finally…

We know some of you guys are struggling financially at the moment, so we’ve decided to show support to the community by reducing the HustleZone Income Academy to only $3,999. This is a limited time offer (for some vague, unspecified reason), so don’t hesitate!

Sounds legit. (Images from 1 & 2)

What you get as a HustleZone Member:

  • The Complete HustleZone Video Course
  • Access to the HustleZone Den
  • HustleZone Insider Secrets eBook, featuring a weird guy with giant spectacles who supposedly made $1 million reselling refrigerators in 1994.
  • The HustleZone Performance Diet PDF, because why the hell not have something about diets thrown in.
  • 24/7 email support from our customer service team in Bangladesh.
  • LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. That’s right, even when you’re a rickety 93 year old who has long since stopped caring about money, you’ll still have full access!*

*In the event that HustleZoneInc. is seized due to unlawful activity, or if the owner is assassinated by Russian Mafia due to unpaid debt, all benefits will be terminated.

That’s some CRAZY VALUE for you guys. Sound interesting?

Join the Den here:

Thanks, and until my next unsolicited email (probably tomorrow), keep on hustlin’!


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