Motivational Quotes For Those Meddling With Powers Beyond Mortal Comprehension

Natalie Holt
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2020
Image by Image by Parker_West from Pixabay

“Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where once there were only walls. These pulsing red bliss doors lead to a realm of ecstasy that perverts even the most virtuous soul.”

“Never be afraid of who you are. Be afraid of your doppelgänger, who lurks on the edge of your vision and calls the children outside while you’re in bed.”

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there. To go the rest of the way, you will need a knife of Damascus steel and blood from a two-headed calf.”

“Lay a foundation with the bricks others have thrown at you. Build an altar with the rocks they hurled through your window. They want a monster? You’ll show them a monster.”

“Make your future now, while time is stopped for everyone else.”

“When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go. When you have that nightmare—a darkened form approaches from the depths and you can’t help but peer over the edge — you must wake up before it grabs you.”

“Happiness sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open. Madness sneaks in through junebug hairnet ohlahago kkkthjlhhhhhnnn.”

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Memories are the currency of the Netherworld, and to leave with your beloved, the ferryman demands a hefty price.”

“Where you’re going is more important than where you came from. Unless you’re astral projecting, in which case get back to your body now, lest They find your vulnerable flesh vessel.”

“Summon one thing every day that scares you.”

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly. So it’s less an ‘if’ and more of a ‘when’ something crawls out of that slimy, pulsating cocoon.”

“The most wasted of days is the one without laughter. Maniacal, head-thrown-back laughter. Laughter at the fools who doubted you. Well, who’s laughing now?!”

“It’s not enough to live the length of your life. You must also live the width, the height, the depth. The same day over and over and no matter what you do, you can’t save your family. Is there no mercy in this universe to free you from such torment?”

