“Comebacks I Thought of After the Fact: A Memoir” And Other Doodled Biography Titles!

Aka it’s not narcissistic if it’s self-deprecating!

Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2017


Written while listening to: The new season of Twin Peaks in the background til that scared me enough to switch to Blink 182.

Everyone handles embarrassing moments in different ways. Some people laugh it off. Some people need some quiet cubicle time. Others existential crisis about it years later while lying under the covers and the crushing weight of hindsight.

Personally? I deal with it by making up biography titles!

I’m not sure when I started doing this (that could be a biography title), but it’s become habit. If I trip up the stairs? I say something like, “Tripping Up the Stairs is Still Moving Forward Tho…A Life Story.

If I tell the guy at Shake Shack, “you too!” when he says, “enjoy your burger!”, I’ll whisper, “I Can Never Come to This Place Again…And Other Stories.” If I’m thinking about how someone is probably about to comment “umm, shouldn’t it be an autobiography?” right now (I see you), I’ll think to myself, “But Biography Sounds Better: An Autobiography.” They’re little inside jokes for me, myself, and I when something awkward or embarrassing happens, and they actually help me brush it off by making me laugh at awkward moments instead of stewing in them! (Although, mumbling biography titles to myself then laughing kinda makes me look like a crazy person, too, which is in itself kinda embarrassing…A memoir.)

So here are a few of the autobiographical biography titles I’ve come up with and doodled so far.

©HiYesHello 2017 (Not that I’m all high and mighty and think everyone’s gonna steal these…an artist’s memoir.)




Carlyn | Artist with astigmatism, extroverted introvert. | Slackjaw contributor |