My Pregnant Wife During Third-Trimester Sex, Or Me Teaching My Nephew To Rollerblade: Who Said It?

Both activities are harder than they should be.



Illustration by the author
  1. “Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.”
  2. “You seem a little agitated, just think happy thoughts. Like a Bob Ross painting class. You don’t know who that is… okay, never mind.”
  3. “I believe you in. You were born for this moment.”
  4. “Focus!”
  5. “Listen to the words coming out of my mouth.”
  6. “Look at me. I said look at me! I’m trying to help you.”
  7. “We need to work on your flexibility.”
  8. “This clearly isn’t working. Let’s try a new approach.”
  9. “I’d show you proper technique myself, but my back is killing me.”
  10. “Don’t give me attitude. You’re the one that asked for this.”
  11. “I’m doing this as a favor, remember that.”
  12. “No, I’m not mad. Just a little disappointed.”
  13. “Your hips are pointing in the wrong direction.”
  14. “And now you’re not even facing the right way.”
  15. “Are you even trying?”
  16. “I can’t do it for you. This is the only way you’re gonna learn.”
  17. “It’s ok, we can always try again next week…or next year.”
  18. “Shift your weight forward, but not too much… that’s it.”
  19. “Whoo! You’re rolling now.”
  20. “No, no, no. We’re definitely not going in reverse today. That’s too risky for right now.”
  21. “That was a good effort today, but there’s definitely room for improvement.”
  22. “So, same time and place next week?”

Pregnant wife: 1–22
Me: 1–22

The Enlightened Millennial Father is a twice-a-month Slackjaw column written and illustrated by Andrew Hutchinson.

Previously from The Enlightened Millennial Father:

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