Notes From My 5-Year-Old Improv Coach

I gave you “Minecraft” as a suggestion, but it seems like you’re trying to turn this moment around and make it about doing phonics flashcards instead?

Katie Burgess
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2020


Photo by jonas mohamadi from Pexels

All right, that’s a lot of fun, and I love that “grumpy mom” character you’re doing, but I’m going to stop you here and do a little bit of side coaching. First off, remember your fundamentals, like “Yes, And!” So, for example, Dad gives you this great initiation, “What about McDonald’s for dinner?” But when you respond with “No, I already made a casserole,” then there’s nowhere left for the scene to go. If, on the other hand, you say, “Yes, and Baskin-Robbins for dessert!” now you’re really building a world together.

Don’t force your own ideas about where the scene should go. I gave you “Minecraft” as a suggestion, but it seems like you’re trying to turn this moment around and make it about doing phonics flashcards instead? I would say don’t keep pushing the phonics thing when there’s so much great Minecraft stuff already happening organically.

