Oakdale High School Is Ready To Reopen After COVID Lockdown!

Super easy instructions for your child’s return.

irene tassy


Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

From: Oakdale High School
To: Parents/Guardians ODHS

Date: November 13th, 2020

Subject: Oakdale High School is Ready to Reopen After COVID Lockdown!

Hello, parents of Oakdale High! Here are the instructions and guidelines for your child’s return to Oakdale High School on January 5th.

Colored Tiers

The state has classified our school as DOLPHIN GRAY. This means we are permitted to open two days a week with 1/6 of the student population, 1/3 of the time.

Other color classifications:

FERN: Permitted to open 1 ½ day a week with 1/8 of the freshman, 2/3 of the sophomores, ¼ of the juniors, and no seniors (seniors who have siblings at other district schools are permitted to attend two Tuesdays per month).

CERULEAN: Permitted to open M-F the months of January, ½ February, March, April (not including the second week, obviously), May, and June (June instruction on overcast days ONLY).

CHARTREUSE: Permitted instruction outside for brunettes and redheads Monday to Thursday. This ONLY applies to freshmen and…



irene tassy

Humor writer. Slackjaw, Little Old Lady, PointsinCase, Robotbutt, GreenerPastures https://www.irenetassy.me/ @Irene_Tassy