Office Busybody Can’t Do It Alone, But Manages Anyway

She just needed someone to step up and bring the cutlery.

Joe Bee


Photo by Redd F on Unsplash


Good morning,

As you know, Chris, Tom, Sharene, Donald, and Lissette’s birthday luau celebration will be on Friday at 11:45 in the break room.

As NO ONE volunteered to be on the birthday luau committee (I sent dozens of reminder emails over the last two months), I had to organize it myself.

The only thing I need is cutlery.

I simply have too much on my plate managing the birthday luau, organizing the company dodgeball game, overseeing the third-floor bathroom renovation, and planning Mr. Fradella’s “Thank You for Being the Best Boss in the World” Appreciation Cocktail Hour. (Email forthcoming).

Could someone pick up some cutlery from Party City and bring it in tomorrow?


Executive Assistant | Accounting


Good morning,

This morning, I had to pick up twenty-seven honey-baked hams for our clients. I was in line at 3:30 a.m., a full three hours before they opened their doors, to ensure I procured the hams before anyone else.

