Our Current Efforts to Curb Climate Change aren’t Working, so Let’s Try Sacrificing to Odin Instead

Rowdy Geirsson
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2019


Image mash-up by Rowdy Geirsson based on photography by Kristijan Arsov and the Pixnio warehouse

The last four years have been the hottest on record according to the UN and unfortunately, the trend shows no signs of letting up. Each year the ice caps sink further into the sea, storms and droughts become increasingly severe, and more and more species go extinct. The Paris Agreement has an uplifting symbology that isn’t quite reflected in reality, and the citizens and leaders of our nations are better at squabbling amongst themselves than implementing concrete courses of action. And that’s why I think now might be the right time to start giving sacrifices to Odin a try.

Lest there be any doubts, let’s be perfectly clear about one thing: Odin is definitely the correct deity to be making sacrifices to on behalf of the planet’s health. Not Zeus. Not Ra. Not Quetzalcoatl. Those guys are pretty good, but they didn’t fornicate with the Lady Earth to conceive Thor and turn her into Mother Earth like Odin did. Now, Earth is also Odin’s daughter, and that raises some legitimate ethical questions, but as a species, we’ve always excelled at sweeping things under the rug since that’s one of our great natural instincts, so let’s just do that. We don’t really need anyone detracting attention away from the fact that no one else has the same special, intimate relationship with the planet…



Rowdy Geirsson

Promoting Leif Eriksson awareness and failing. Translator of The Impudent Edda and author of The Scandinavian Aggressors. www.scandinavianaggression.com