Out-Of-Office Messages To Ensure They Never E-Mail You Again

Jennie Young
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
  1. I will return a week from Tuesday. I’m in a mandatory training about how to stop sharing computer viruses via e-mail. If you get this response, contact IT immediately.
  2. Sorry I missed you! I’ll respond as soon as I get out of rehab for cyber stalking. Can I have your personal e-mail?
  3. Sorry we missed each other! Your e-mail will be automatically forwarded to Intern Stan. He’s free and allowed to communicate with women again, so please work with him on whatever you need (you may want to delete any personal/identifying information from your signature line).
  4. I will respond to your message when I return from maternity leave. In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of the miracle of childbirth ❤
  5. Thank you for your interest in receiving communication from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Please click the Survey Monkey link to tell us more about yourself.
  6. Hi!!! I’m out of the office for a few days, but your e-mail auto-subscribes you to my personal newsletter. Look forward to hourly updates about ME and MY LIFE delivered straight to your inbox!
  7. Hi there, and thanks for e-mailing! I’ve recently begun baking vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, fruit-free fruitcakes, and I’ll bring one in…



Jennie Young

Professor and humor writer in Green Bay. McSweeney’s, The Independent, HuffPost, Ms. Mag, Education Week, Inside Higher Ed, Slackjaw, Weekly Humorist, others.