Please Stop Bringing Morale Down By Talking About How Low Morale Is

It made me feel powerless to see how powerless you feel.

Matthew Thiele


Image courtesy of Tima Miroshnichenko via Pexels

Dear Esteemed Co-worker –

I was spying on your social media activity recently when I came across some troubling posts about how unhappy you are about being a team member here. I was super bummed to hear that your morale is so low, and I really want you to stop talking about it so that I can stop feeling bad about how much you hate your job. It made me feel really powerless to see how powerless you feel, and I was already feeling low because I recently had to sell my motorcycle. It was a Harley.

Imagine how bad I felt when I saw you complaining about all of the stuff that I’ve just been sitting here taking for the last four years. Now I look like a hypocrite and a jerk for talking about how great everything is. And if I start complaining now, I’ll look like a bigger hypocrite and a Johnny-come-lately. That’s why you will never EVER see me complaining when they make me chaperone Jerry’s daughter’s high school dances.

Think about how confused our customers are going to be if I say I love working here and you say it stinks. The people who buy whatever it is that we sell want to believe that we work in a glittering paradise where nothing bad ever happens and we all…



Matthew Thiele

Independent scholar and satirist. Published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, McSweeney’s, Ben Jonson Journal, and other fine publications.