QUIZ: A State Of Depression Or The State Of Florida?

How to know which one you’re stuck in.

Jacob Nuckolls
Mar 31, 2022


Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels
  1. People are here seasonally.
  2. Everyone’s on heavy medication.
  3. Not where you imagined you’d be.
  4. Hard to define exactly what went wrong.
  5. Everyone gives up on dressing themselves.
  6. Contributing to national obesity epidemic.
  7. A lot of famous people live here.
  8. Screaming at seagulls.
  9. Disneyworld doesn’t make it better.
  10. Excessive Cuban sandwich consumption.
  11. Looks better on TV.
  12. Screaming at seagulls while choking on a Cuban sandwich.
  13. Flip flops.
  14. If you stay too long, you’ll end up in a gated community.


A State of Depression: 1–14.

The State of Florida: 1–14.

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Jacob Nuckolls

writer from Minneapolis, MN. staff Writer at God (@TheGoodGodAbove) on Twitter.