QUIZ: Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Of A 32-Year-Old Woman Or Her Senior Rescue Dog?

Frequent and questionable bowel movements

Justine Hipsky
2 min readJul 5, 2021


Illustration by Alex Kazanas
  1. Mindless pacing
  2. Staring at walls for long stretches of time
  3. No earthly understanding of why or how beds gets made
  4. Going outside and inside and outside and inside and outside and inside
  5. A strong desire to avoid the neighbors
  6. Often appearing distressed in the face of compliments
  7. Incessant speculation about why no one is paying attention to them
  8. Frantic and recurring attempts to crawl inside the washing machine
  9. Passing the time with an array of overpriced treats eaten in rapid succession
  10. Difficulty losing weight
  11. Frequent and questionable bowel movements
  12. Incapable of sticking to a disciplined routine
  13. Disdain for swallowing large pills
  14. Only able to fall asleep when burritoed inside of a weighted blanket and listening to the Frasier theme song
  15. No real desire to have a man in the apartment
  16. Usually laying on the floor instead of working
  17. Digging at electrical outlets just to feel something new
  18. Startled by bikes, cars, and how time seems to pass so quickly and slowly all at once
  19. Trouble devising a five-year plan
  20. Turning to a psychic for help devising a five-year plan
  21. Tendency to ignore the very practical advice of expensive behavioral specialists
  22. Drooling

32-Year-Old Woman: 20

Senior Rescue Dog: 8, 17

Both: 1–7, 9–16, 18–19, 21–22

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Justine Hipsky

Justine Hipsky is a humor writer, improviser, and storyteller living in Los Angeles. Her five-year plan is to finally make a vision board.