REI Has Everything You Need For Your Dramatic Soul-Searching Solo Hiking Trip!
A long solo hiking trip is no easy undertaking, especially when you have to force yourself into some sort of life-changing emotional transformation. Simply venturing alone into a thick Appalachian brush or across a hilly Scottish pasture is usually enough to heal your psychological wounds and unveil a deeper hidden purpose, but it also requires a lot of preparation.
Fortunately, REI has absolutely everything you’ll ever need to embark on your solo hiking trip that will somehow reveal your life’s true purpose to you!
Before you begin repairing your emotional damage alone in the wilderness, stop by one of our 154 convenient locations. Our knowledgeable staff is standing by to help, whether you’ve experienced a radical shift in your priorities in the wake of the dissolution of your marriage, you’re hoping to untangle the causes behind your fraught relationship with your mother who recently succumbed to lung cancer, or you graduated from an ivy league college only to realize money and status mean nothing to you.
In our camping department, for just $489.95 you’ll find Marmot Limestone 6P Tents you can struggle to assemble because even though you’re not an experienced hiker or camper you have to do this trip to show everyone, but mostly yourself, that you don’t need…