Scenes From Fast And Furious Family Therapy
By Val Bodurtha and Tristan Peters
THERAPIST: Okay, so, let’s start by discussing why you’ve come to family therapy today.
DOM: I guess…just like any family, we have some issues we have to work through.
THERAPIST: Well, I’m not sure if I’d call you “just any family.” As one example, there are forty-five of you in my office right now.
DOM: Yep. All family.
THERAPIST: (checking her notes) How did you get your insurance to cover them all as dependents?
DOM: (whispers) Family.
THERAPIST: So, Dom, where do you think these impulses to street race are coming from? Perhaps they could be stemming from those feelings of inadequacy we discussed.
DOM: I feel like we’ve already talked about this a lot. Can we just move on?
THERAPIST: Sometimes self-reflection can take time. It’s a slow process.
Dom pulls out a can of nitrous oxide and sets it on his lap.
DOM: I don’t do slow.
He cracks the nozzle and the NOS starts to hiss out. Nothing happens.
DOM: Fine, I’ll start journaling.