Signs From The Universe Explained

This is a sign you should read on!

Nathan Pashley
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Image By Degeha

Have you got a big decision to make? A job to go for? A new relationship to pursue? Then you must be on the lookout for signs from the universe to help guide you toward the right decision. But what is a sign? And how can you tell if you’ve come across a genuine sign or some random event unrelated to your big life decision? Wonder no more because our team of experts are here to break down ten common examples.

1.You look at the sky and see a cloud shaped like a thumbs-up.

This is a positive sign — congratulations on your new job/relationship!

2. You walk by a tree branch shaped like a thumbs-up.

This is another positive sign; go make that life-changing investment!

3. An ancestor visits you in a dream and gives you the thumbs down.

Bad news, this is almost definitely a negative sign. :(

4. You hear a song lyric that speaks directly to your life situation.

This is a positive sign. Unless you heard the lyric on Spotify, then it’s probably just the algorithm serving you a song related to your past listening habits.

5. You experience a strong gut feeling.

The human gut — or the “second brain” — is lined with more than 100 million nerve endings. Isn’t that interesting? Feel free to share that fact with every single person you meet. Anyway, this means that your gut can reveal your true feelings about what decision you should make. So listen and pay attention to what it’s saying because your gut could be giving you a sign to go for it! Or you might just be craving a cheeseburger.

6. You open a fortune cookie to find a fortune that asks you to “look within yourself” for the answer.

Uh oh, steer clear of this cheeky devil. We call this a “lazy sign”: a freeloading sign trying to get you to do all the work.

7. You’re at the zoo, and a Bengal tiger approaches you and says “this is a sign” in perfect English.

This might appear like an authentic sign, but it isn’t. Tigers are known to mess with humans by pulling shit like this.

8. A bird flies headfirst into your kitchen window and dies.

This isn’t a sign. Unfortunately, life is full of senseless, random, and meaningless death.

9. You smell burning.

This is a sign that you’re having a stroke.

10. Your face has suddenly gone numb.

This is another sign that you’re having a stroke. Please call emergency services.

Now that you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to get out there and make those big life decisions! And please remember: loss of smell, loss of balance, numbness, confusion, and acute headaches are all signs of stroke. We urge you to contact a hospital if you experience any or all of these signs.

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