Small Talk About The Weather For When Your Weather Is Ash Rain

For Residents Of The West Coast

Maddie Weigelt


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Hey ______, strange weather we’re having, huh?

Yeah, ______, strange right?

I mean, it’s been ashing for a week straight.

I know, I have to keep convincing my wife I don’t have dandruff. Like, I use head and shoulders, Sandra.

Honestly, your wife sounds unkind.

She’s — You know, we used to be in love.

Ain’t that the way it goes. I never knew you had a wife.

Yeah, it’s never come up… I guess we’ve never made it this deep into small talk.

It’s probably cause of the —

Together: Ash rain.


My dog just died.

Whoa, a little heavy for small talk.

I know, it’s just this —

Together: Ash rain.

I have an appointment with the gyno tomorrow, so —

Kind of much for a casual acquaintance conversation, don’t you think?

Nothing is too personal when there’s ash rain.

I guess you’re right. Thoughts on the afterlife?



Maddie Weigelt

Editor at Slackjaw. Writings on McSweeney’s, Slackjaw (obviously), The Weekly Humorist, The Belladonna, Points In Case.